Friday, November 28, 2008

business card

Well I've been trying to come up with a business card and I think I'm satisfied with what I've done. I think it's cute...let me know what ya think :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Power of Doodling...

Lately I've been all about doodling. I think I doodled at least one page in the mini albums I made. I like's eclectic and fun. Takes me back to the days when I wouldn't be listening in math class and would be doodling instead of taking notes. I love this picture Wendy ( took of Sophie. If she had hair she would totally be blowing it out of her eyes, lol! Look at that face - doesn't it just scream "c'mon already."

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mini Album Madness

WOW...It has been awhile since I last posted. I would've thought now that volleyball is done that I would have a little more time on my hands, but it seems that this is not the case. We had a volleyball banquet today and I made a mini album for each of my girls - 13. So, I guess I can't say that I haven't been busy. I made them all different from each other too based on what I thought would fit each girl's personality.

I had a lot of fun making these and I really hope the girls enjoy them. I love the felt 4x4 albums...they were so cute. Got them from this terrific site!!
I didn't put all the pages I did on here, but I think you get the gist... I'm sad to say this is the only album I took pictures of. I know...maybe I can talk those girls into taking pictures of theirs and sending them to me??? I really need to start doing that more often so I can keep track of what I've made.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Beauty...

I didn't get to take the pictures of the girls for fall that I wanted. You know the pumpkin patch or playing in leaf piles, but I took these today and I must say I'm really happy with the way they turned out.
I even was able to scrapbook (traditional style) tonight some of the pictures I took. I think it turned out well! :) Fall has to be my absolute favorite time of the year! The beautiful colors, the mild weather -- it's just an amazing time and I'm glad I get to portray some of that fall beauty through my girls.

Friday, October 17, 2008

"That looks AWESOME!!!"

You know I think it's great to scrapbook the huge milestones of your kids... birth, baptism, first everythings, etc. However, I think it's more important to scrap the every day events. Today I picked up Little Caesars. Jayden immediately said to me as I got in the car, "That looks AWESOME!" I love it - it makes my heart smile :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I've been doing a lot with volleyball pictures if you haven't noticed on my facebook page. This is the latest creation. I really, really wish I had a printer that could print 12x12's. That'd be awesome! I always thought I was more of a traditional scrapper, but lately I have been doing more things digitally. It's kind of fun creating my own backgrounds, embellishments, etc. and yes, you can take this pic as well ladies :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's the little things...

that someone can do to make a difference. Over a month ago, Jayden and I both donated our hair to Locks of Love. I ended up donating 14.5 inches and almost 10 for the bug. She was so proud of her haircut. I hope someday she'll be proud of the reason for it.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby stand up...

and take a bow. Sophie is just learning to do so many things right now. She is standing up, clapping, waving, "talking," furniture cruising - just to name a few. Oh yeah...and crawling up stairs. I can't keep up. It seems like every day I come home she is doing something new and I feel like I'm missing out. This little girl is my happy baby - look at that smile. Someday she's gonna break some hearts.

Monday, October 6, 2008

99 Luftballoons (99 red balloons)

You know that German song from the awesome, rockin' world of 80's music - 99 Luftballoons by Nena. Well, I love that song and actually got the idea for this picture I took of my volleyball team from it. Love that song as much as I love this pic!!!

Seriously honey....

c'mon!! So, I know a lot of women out there leave their men "honey do" lists. Well, I certainly don't have to do that with mine. He is always pretty good about helping out around the fact he usually does the laundry about 80% of the time. And while I think this is incredibly wonderful, I do have one itty bitty complaint... Okay, so it's more of a pet peeve. He will do like 20 loads of laundry in a day and not fold ANY of it. This is just a sample of what I have to put up with...the other half of it is folded. Yeah, that's right I said "HALF."

Friday, September 26, 2008

Volleyball Rocks!

I'm going on my 8th year of coaching... and so far I still love every minute of it! It seems with each year, coaching gets crazier and crazier, but a good kind of crazy. This year's JV team is an interesting assortment of girls. They are crazy, fun, serious, shy, outgoing, leaders...they're my girls. We had some fun taking these pictures and when I fix my photoshop I'm going to post the balloon pictures. Sorry girls....but I have to toy w/that picture before I post it :) ** PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE!!**

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So...Halloween's Coming Up

...and I still haven't scrapped Jayden from last year. She was the cutest little witch and had such a good time. J got such a kick out of knocking on doors and "saying 'tricks treat'" :) This year she is going to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Sophie is going to be -- the lion...NO, not Toto for some of you out there who thought that, lol! I created a transparency overlay and did a digi LO tonight of Jayden at Halloween last year (better late than never!). I'm not much of a digi scrapper - more of a hybrid scrapper - but this was fun. AND if I can figure it out, any of you that like the overlay can have it for yourself! If I can't figure it out, just drop me a note on Facebook or email and I'll send you the file!

Okay, so I'm not blog saavy - YET, but I do know that I can post the overlay on here and you can right click on it and save it to your own computers... I hope! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Little Monster

Okay, so I haven't exactly had the time to sit down and scrapbook like I'd like to. What with work, coaching, making wedding stationary (which is done now, but I hope to post some pics of my stuff soon, when I have a moment to breathe), raising the family, hanging with Brad -- so sad that comes in last on my list of life right now :( So, tomorrow...after practice I'm going to make a concentrated effort in sitting down and getting a LO or two done for the night (we'll see, ha!).

Anyhoo...our little Sophie monster is now over 8 months old and has about 7 teeth. She is pretty much crawling, sitting, and trying to stand. She loves her jumper, so here is a pic of the little tyke getting her jump on - so to girls will be GREAT volleyball players someday! Eat your heart out Kerry Walsh and Misty May :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Terrific Three's

Jayden is developing quite the personality. She is very stubborn, a bit bossy, extremely inquisitive, and is so much fun! She knows the alphabet (can say it and knows all the letters by sight) and her numbers 1-10. Books, computers, Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers, volleyball are all big interests for this 3 year old right now. She is such a beautiful little girl and in this picture of her, I love how Wendy (aka Clicka Foto) captured the quiet beauty that she will someday be!

Moving Forward...

This is me right now...this is how I am viewing life. The "Serenity Prayer" is my mantra for life:

"God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next."

I have never been the most religious person. There are things in my life that have affected that part of me. However, this prayer always gives me a sense of piece with myself.

I did this digi layout and have not finished it yet. The idea came to me and I thought it was kind of cool. If I ever get the chance to sit and scrap, I'll post it.