Monday, October 6, 2008

Seriously honey....

c'mon!! So, I know a lot of women out there leave their men "honey do" lists. Well, I certainly don't have to do that with mine. He is always pretty good about helping out around the fact he usually does the laundry about 80% of the time. And while I think this is incredibly wonderful, I do have one itty bitty complaint... Okay, so it's more of a pet peeve. He will do like 20 loads of laundry in a day and not fold ANY of it. This is just a sample of what I have to put up with...the other half of it is folded. Yeah, that's right I said "HALF."


MariaT said...

It almost doesn't count if it doesn't get folded is what I say. Same for dishes done in a dishwasher, if you just start it but don't put em away it doesn't fully count.