Saturday, January 31, 2009


So lately I've been doing a lot of scrapping, which is good. I have been joining a couple groups, meeting some new ppl, and even started my own facebook group called "scrapitude" (which I'm hoping starts to pick up in followers and participation soon :) Also, thinking on holding some workshops at Wendy's Clicka Foto studio...she keeps telling me to make the jump, but I am not sure what is holding me back. I'm guessing the pressure and my whole huge fear of failure. Other than that I'm game, lol. I'm also going to look into making a different website for myself that is more custom, so if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears!

It's amazing how life just changes...10 years ago, I may have been out w/friends on a Saturday night or having some ppl over to watch movies, but these days I'm sitting in the kitchen crafting away with Jay-bug while Sophie is getting into absolutely everything. I am absolutely content with my life at this point. Although sometimes I feel like too much of a homebody and would like to get out and have a couple drinks/laughs with friends. For now, I'll just enjoy my quiet weekends of lounging around the house for now, doing what I love...being w/my man and babies...oh yeah and scrapping :)


MariaT said...

I love your pages!! And I am totally with you on the homebody thing. I much prefer to just stay home with Jack and Casey and then at night scrap or watch tv or whatever.